Elite Skill Development for Players

  • Technical Skills

    Ball handling, footwork, perimeter moves, post moves, position less basketball, shooting form, shooting with range, offensive and defensive rebounding, paint/lane finishes, reading and reacting.

  • TSP: Time-Score-Possession

    Live game situations, chalk talk, film breakdown, free flow motion offense, Moving without the ball, reading ball screens and pin downs.

  • Strength-Conditioning

    Build muscle, improve lateral quickness, become more explosive, increase endurance, faster recovery times.


Technical Skill Development for Coaches

  • Off Court - Next Level Coaching Responsibilities

    How to scout a team, how to identify and evaluate a player, how to run a basketball camp, recruiting calls, chalk talk, charting game stats

  • On Court - Next Level Coach Responsibilities

    Building a practice plan. individual skill development drills: guards and bigs, presenting a scouting report: film and on court, refereeing practice segments, team drills, practice film break down

  • Offensive/Defensive Philosophy

    What offense/defense best suits your team, creating team chemistry, best ways to identify team leaders, creating a competitive culture, Situational Preparation, TSP.


Individualized Elite Services


Individual Skill Development

Silver Gold Platinum
Elite Shooting $400 $600 $1,000
Ball Handling $400 $600 $1,000
Elite Finishing $400 $600 $1,000
Personalized Eval $400 $600 $1,000
Unlimited Weekly Virtual Training / Coaching - $550
Make your own Schedule - $1300 / month


Skill Development

Silver Gold Platinum
Off-Court Eval $1,300 $2,000 $3,500
On-Court Eval $1,300 $2,000 $3,500
Player Development $500 $750 $1,250
Film Breakdown $500 $750 $1,250
Chalk Talk $500 $750 $1,250
Private training session - $300/hr
Bi-Weekly Practice Plans - $1300
Bi-Weekly Dietary Suggestions / Workouts - $1300
Bi-Weekly Zoom Calls / Scouting, etc - $1300


Team Practice/Chemistry Development

Silver Gold Platinum
Practice Session $1,300 $2,000 $3,500
Film Breakdown $1,300 $2,000 $3,500
S&C / Nutrition $500 $750 $1,250
Chemistry Workshop $500 $750 $1,250
Chalk Talk $500 $750 $1,250
Unlimited Virtual Monthly Consulting sessions - $2000